White Light




WhiteLight Glutathione is the world’s first glutathione sublingual spray! Sublingual literally means under the tongue and refers to a method of administering substances orally in such a way that the substances are RAPIDLY and MORE EFFECTIVELY ABSORBED as compared to capsules or tablets via the digestive tract. There is no danger of overdose since glutathione is a natural compound found in the body.

– Antioxidant
– Anti-Aging
– Heals dark spots caused by acne and prevents them from coming back
– Helps maintain clear vision
– Slows down the aging process
– Works to help improve mental functions, increases energy
– Improves concentration, permits increased exercise
– Improves heart and lung function
– Boosts our immune system
– Reduces Blood pressure in people with diabetes and hypertension
– Prevents clot formation
– Helps the liver to function well and eradicate all insoluble substances
– Helps the liver to detoxify of heavy metals, toxins, and alcohol
– Used by those exposed to radiation and chemotherapy during cancer treatment
– Refreshes, Softens, and Promotes Whiter Complexion

WhiteLight Glutathione Sublingual Spray SIDE-EFFECTS

Generally considered to be free of side-effects. No untoward side-effects nor interactions with oral administration reported even in prolonged use.
It is SAFE. Classified as Food Supplement not a herbal.
The only reported side- effect is SKIN WHITENING when taken in increased doses.

Who needs WhiteLight Glutathione Sublingual Spray?
– smokers
– alcoholic drinkers
– people with low immune system
– people with liver problems
– people with thyroid problems
– people with cancer
– people who want to possess fairer and whiter skin

Directions for use of Whitelight Glutathione Sublingual Spray
1.Shake well before using.
2.Spray twice a day under the tongue. You can spray after every meal, or after brushing your teeth.
3. Hold under tongue for 20 seconds prior to swallowing.
See the Best Results After 1 – 2 Months of Continuous use, depending on your skin color.

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